


Hello Bonjour Hallo

I'm Kathleen, a game designer and artist based in Zurich. French is my mother tongue. I speak English every day and am working on my German. I am a versatile game designer from programming to visuals and sound design. I typically work on game visuals, concept art, and user experience (UX). I have work experience from the three companies I worked for. I occasionally freelance for small projects. I am passionate, motivated, and solution-oriented.

Click here to see my CV

gameZ & ruleZ conference

I was invited to the conference for the first time in 2021 to present my bachelor's game, Accalmie. In 2023, I was invited back to present the link between my master's research and the topic of Biedermeier at the GameZandRuleZ conference.

Africa games week

I was invited to Africa Games Week 2023 through ProHelvetia's "She Got Games" mentoring program in Cape-Town. We had a panel discussion about the program and the experience of being a female game designer.